IFA Partners Area
The member's area of the IFA web site includes a number of offers. The duration of an online session in the member's area is limited to 3 hours, then you are automatically logged off.
IFA Partner Application
IFA Online Forum

Get active and chat in our online IFANET. Share your opinions, ideas and pictures with other partners.
We invite everyone to participate, amongst themselves or jointly with us, on current discussion topics. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
IFA Download Area

In this protected area you find a lot of documents and forms, which are exclusively available for members. If you have no access account, please contact us.
If you have further questions or perhaps have problems, please contact:
IFA - International Forwarding Association Cooperatie U.A. Postbus 414 NL-5900 AK VENLO
Telephone: Mobil: Telefax: E-Mail:
+31 - (0) 77 - 32 46 007 +31 - (0) 6 - 54 725 319 +31 - (0) 77 - 3 827 063 ifa[at]ifa-forwarding.net