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Regulations on Shipping Pets and Domesticated Animals Internationally

Many ask freight forwarders if they can safely ship pets internationally as this can be a stressful experience for cats, dogs, and ferrets. Depending on final destination, some countries allow pets after a quarantine period while others may not allow them at all. EU Member States also have special requirements when it comes to required information, vaccinations, and other specifics. Specialized transportation may also be required for some domestic animals, including road and air shipping.

What Documents Are Required

If you plan to import pets from non-EU states, they must come from authorized countries and territories. State authorities require an animal health certificate and information such as local and central competent authority, country of origin and destination, and region of destination. Additional information includes place of origin and destination, date of departure, place of loading, and description of commodity.Shippers are also asked to specify the means of transport, whether road vehicle, railway wagon, ship, or airplane. Further details include container or seal number, number of packages, and quantity. Certificates are only issued by authorized veterinarians, and they attest that pets have undergone clinical examination. All ferrets, cats, and dogs must be treated against Echinococcus multilocularis and must have a rabies vaccine.

Operators must submit a common health entry document in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the Council and European Union. This document concerns compliance with the rules on animal welfare and health and the feed and food law. The common health entry document also includes information such as physical and documentary checks and identity.

UK Regulations on Quarantining Pets and on Non-Native Animals

In the UK, pet rodents and rabbits shipped from non-EU countries are quarantined for 4 months. Pets from EU countries are not quarantined, including reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, birds, rabbits, and rodents. Rules on the import of non-native animals are also in place regarding their keeping and import. Shippers importing non-native animals are asked to submit a license application form. They fill in information such as full scientific and common name, rabies vaccination history, identification, and number of animals.

They are also asked whether animals are imported for the purpose of breeding, exhibition, or research. Additional information includes proposed point of landing and date of import, country and premises of origin, address of destination, and movement history. For quarantined animals, operators fill in a phone number, authorized carrying agent, approved facility at destination, and details of approval. Shippers that are transporting animals for wildlife parks and zoos may request a quarantine waiver.

Regulations on Exotic Pet Trade and Shipping

Most EU regulations are based on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. International freight forwarders importing pets to Europe must also be familiar with the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations concerning the protection of wildlife flora and fauna. A number of species are covered by the regulations, including four-horned antelope, marsh deer, hog deer, red panda, pygmy hog, and many others.